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Welcome to the project website for Botley West Solar Farm.
You can find out information about the project across this website.
On 13th December 2024 the Planning Inspectorate accepted the Botley West Solar Farm DCO application for examination. The pre-examination phase includes a registration period, during which Interested Parties can make Relevant Representations to the Planning Inspectorate. This period has now started. You have until 11.59pm on Thursday 27th February 2025 to submit your Relevant Representation to PINS. Once submitted, you will become an Interested Party to the Examination and will receive correspondence from PINS setting out how you can contribute to the Examination as it proceeds.
To register as an Interested Party or to find out more information, please go to the PINS website page for Botley West Solar Farm: https://national-infrastructure-consenting.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/EN010147/register/register-have-your-say
We have produced a Project Update Newsletter, which presents a high-level summary of the changes and considerations that we have made in the final DCO application, which you can view here.
You can continue to contact us by email, our freephone information line and by freepost. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of the page.
Photovolt Development Partners (PVDP) is proposing Botley West Solar Farm, a new solar farm in the west of Oxfordshire.
Botley West could deliver 840 megawatts (MW) of clean, affordable power to the National Grid, contributing to reducing carbon emissions and improving UK energy security. The project will connect to a new National Grid substation, to be built by National Grid near Farmoor reservoir, to the west of Botley, hence the name Botley West.
Our Proposals

Botley West has an agreement to provide 840 MW of clean, affordable power to the National Grid, providing enough electricity for the equivalent of 330,000 homes.

Botley West has increased minimum buffer zone distances between solar panels and all buildings, as well as providing significant increases to the buffer zones near residential areas.

Botley West seeks to increase recreational use and access across the site through the creation of new footpaths and cycle paths.

Botley West now includes a Landscape and Ecology Masterplan and will deliver a minimum Biodiversity Net Gain of at least 70%.

Botley West is exploring a dynamic and wide-ranging community benefits package.
Indicative Project Timeline
Early engagement with local authorities
Phase One
Non-Statutory Consultation
Refinement of proposals
Scoping request submitted to PINS
Consultation on the Draft SoCC with LPAs
Phase Two Statutory Consultation and
publication of the SoCC and PEIR
DCO application accepted by PINS
DCO Examination
Anticipated DCO decision from Secretary of State for ESNZ